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中华文化 | 悬壶济世 Hanging a Gourd (Practicing Medicine) to Help the World

发布日期:2022-09-08  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1866
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核心提示:悬壶济世Hanging a Gourd (Practicing Medicine) to Help the World行医救助世人。“悬壶”即把装药的葫芦挂起来,作为行医卖药的招牌,泛指从事医疗职业;“济世”是对困苦之人提供救助。这一观念,使行医卖药超越了一般职业与谋生手段而被赋予了人文关怀的意义。它既是世人对于医者救死扶伤、治病救人行为的一种赞颂,也是医者用以自励的道德准则和价值判断。T


Hanging a Gourd (Practicing Medicine) to Help the World


This term means to help people by practicing medicine. "Hanging a gourd" refers to the tradition of using gourd containing medications as a sign for those practicing and selling medicine; it is used more broadly to refer to those in the medical profession. "Helping the world" means providing aid and relief to those in distress. This concept elevates the practice of medicine above ordinary occupations and livelihoods, and imbues it with humanistic caring. It praises the deeds of physicians who care for the sick and dying, and is also a moral standard and value by which they should measure themselves.

引例 Citations:



There was an old man who sold medicine in the market. He hung a medicine gourd at his market stand. (History of the Later Han Dynasty)



Someone who practices medicine must not simply rely on a particular skill and think only of acquiring money and goods. Rather, he must have a passion for relieving the sufferings of others… My aim is to help others, and I hope students of medicine will not mock my keeping saying so as being shallow. (Sun Simiao: Essential Formulas for Emergencies)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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