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中华文化 | 易子而教 Entrust the Education of Children to Outside Teachers

发布日期:2024-06-07  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:59
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核心提示:易子而教Entrust the Education of Children to Outside Teachers交换孩子来进行教育。即父母不亲自教育自己的孩子,而请别人进行教育。这是孟子揭示的教育智慧。父母与子女重在感情,师生重在规范;而父母与子女双方都很难完成亲子与师生之间、感情与规范之间的角色及职能转换。如果父母自己兼当老师,效果不一定理想,对亲子之间的天然亲情也会造成伤害。当然


Entrust the Education of Children to Outside Teachers


To entrust the education of one's children to outside teachers – the notion that parents should put the education of their children to others rather than take it upon themselves is an educational insight attributed to the ancient philosopher Mencius. In his view, familial bonds thrive on affection, while the teacher-student relationship is grounded in discipline, with this dichotomy posing a challenge when parents step into the role of formal educators. In doing so, they may not only inadvertently undercut educational outcomes, but also risk dampening the innate warmth of parent-child ties. It is important to note that this wisdom speaks specifically to formal education; it is not a dismissal of the crucial role parents play in guiding their children's learning within the family context.

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Education intrinsically demands the application of correct standards. However, if these standards fail to bring forth progress, the educator may surrender to frustration. This anger tends to wound the very relationship it intends to refine. A child may retaliate, "My father enforces stringent standards on me, yet he himself fails to uphold these rules." Consequently, a father and son wound each other, causing their relationship to deteriorate. In ancient times, people solved this conundrum by exchanging children for their education, hence removing the risk of reciprocal blame between parent and child. When blame, in the pursuit of betterment, becomes the dominant narrative, it seeds a divide between a father and his son — a most regrettable outcome. (Mencius)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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