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中华文化 | 致乐以治心 Cultivate the Mind by Immersing in Music

发布日期:2024-06-05  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1547
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核心提示:致乐以治心Cultivate the Mind by Immersing in Music通过深刻体会音乐来调理内心。这一术语重在说明音乐的教化作用。礼乐都是自我修养的工具,每个人都应常常用礼乐自我规范和内省。一个人如果能深刻体会音乐的精髓,那么内心深处自然也会顺应音乐的本质——“和”;与“和”相关的人格品质,如平易、正直、慈爱、诚信等,也会油然而生。当人具备了这些品质,内


Cultivate the Mind by Immersing in Music


This concept stresses the civilizing role of music. Rites and music are means that everyone should often use to regulate their conduct and for introspection. When one grasps the essence of music, one will naturally follow the nature of music – harmony deep inside. Then personality traits associated with harmony, such as geniality, integrity, kindness, and honesty, will come forward, and fill one's heart with happiness. When one is truly happy, one will strive to retain it. Long cultivated thus, one can resemble heaven, who speaks no words but never lets people down, or act like gods, who do not rage but are held in awe.

引例 Citation:



A man of virtue said, "Rites and music should be around without a moment of absence. Cultivate the mind by immersing in music, and geniality, integrity, kindness, and honesty will naturally emerge. When these traits arise, happiness will follow. When one is happy from the bottom of one's heart, one will be dutiful. Being dutiful helps one live a prolonged life. A prolonged life makes one comprehend and comply with the natural law, which in turn brings one into contact with heaven and gods. Heaven does not talk but never disappoints people. Gods never fly into a rage to be formidable. Immersion in music brings about the effect of nursing one's mental health." (The Book of Rites)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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