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中华文化 | 唯乐不可以为伪 Music Allows No Expression of False Sentiment

发布日期:2024-05-27  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:80
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核心提示:唯乐不可以为伪Music Allows No Expression of False Sentiment对于表现人的内心情感而言,只有音乐不可能作假。依据儒家的乐教观念,人心感外物而动,再通过音乐表现内心的情感,这一切都是自然发生的,因此音乐是情感意志的真实体现,无法作假。基于这个原理,一个人常思、常行善事,远离诸恶,内心自然就会和顺,所发出的声音、音乐就是“正声、雅音”;经常

Music Allows No Expression of False Sentiment


Music, as a way of expressing the inner feelings of human beings, allows no expression of false sentiment. According to the Confucian views on music education, a person whose heart is touched by what happens externally will naturally express his inner feelings through music. Therefore, music faithfully reflects the emotions and will of human beings, something that cannot be falsified. Thus, if a person thinks good things or does good deeds and rejects undesired temptations, he can achieve inner peace and harmony. The voices made or music composed by such people are naturally sincere and elegant. However, if a person behaves in an undesirable way, the voices made or tunes composed by him are unpleasant. No person with unacceptable thoughts can create sincere and elegant music.

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Poetry gives expression to one's will; singing articulates the voice of one's heart; and dancing visualizes one's inner feelings with body movements. They all arise from one's mind and are accompanied by musical instruments. So, profound emotions are reflected with artistic brilliance; full energy is transformed into art; peace and harmony attained at one's heart are displayed through vigorous appearance. Music allows no expression of false sentiment. (The Book of Rites)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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