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中华文化 | 轻关易道,通商宽农 Lighten Taxes, Secure Trade Routes, Promote Commercial Business and Support Agricul

发布日期:2024-03-13  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1333
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核心提示:轻关易道,通商宽农Lighten Taxes, Secure Trade Routes, Promote Commercial Business and Support Agriculture降低关税,使商家有利可图;剪除盗贼,保障道路安全;促进商贸流通;宽免农民赋税徭役。这是春秋时期晋文公最早采取的改革措施,为历代所称道。其主旨在于鼓励农商,发展生产,促进人、财、物的跨区域流通,加速社会财富的增长。其现代意义在于提示

Lighten Taxes, Secure Trade Routes, Promote Commercial Business and Support Agriculture


From taxes and trails to trade and tillage — this line encompasses a set of progressive reforms introduced by Duke Wen of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period that continue to resonate through history. By curtailing tax burdens for trade, keeping trade routes free from bandits and robbers, and alleviating taxes and corvee for peasants, the duke sought to energize farming and trade sectors, fuel production, and encourage the trans-regional flow of people, goods, and wealth, thereby amplifying societal prosperity. The modern relevance of this policy underscores the enduring value of creating an economic system that is open, accessible, and promotes mutual benefit.

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Duke Wen of Jin thereupon went about lightening taxes, securing trade routes, promoting commercial business, and supporting agriculture. He inspired his people to engage in farming and advocated for the sharing of resources, while simultaneously reducing state expenditure to accrue greater riches. Tools and craftsmanship were refined and perfected, and moral teachings resonated through the air, enriching the moral fiber of the people. (Discourses on Governance of the States)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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