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中华文化|二柄 Two Handles

发布日期:2024-01-18  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1102
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核心提示:二柄Two Handles君主所掌握的两种权柄,即赏罚之权。奖赏与惩罚是政治治理的基本手段,不同学派都有所讨论。韩非子(前280?—前233)特别重视赏罚在政治治理中的作用,认为赏罚应以国家的法令为依据,合乎法令则赏,违背法令则罚。人们畏惧刑罚、喜好奖赏,就会按照法令的规范行事。韩非子同时强调,君主应掌握施加赏罚的权力,以保证赏罚依据法令而行,避免赏


Two Handles


In this context, two handles mean a sovereign ruler has the power to both confer rewards and mete out punishments. Both are basic ways of governance and have been subjects of discussion in different schools of thought. Ancient scholar Hanfeizi (280?-233 BC) attached great importance to the role of rewards and punishments in governance, believing that both should be given according to the law. One who abode by the law should be offered rewards and one who broke the law should be given punishment. This would make people behave in accordance with the law as they love rewards and fear punishment. He also emphasized that a sovereign should exercise his power in such a way so that rewards and punishments were given exactly as the law requires and that such power was not abused as a tool to seek personal gain.

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The term "two kinds of power" refers to punishments and honors. What is meant by punishments and honors? The answer is: the death penalty is a form of punishment and reward is a form of honor. Officials fear punishments and seek honors. When a sovereign ruler exercises these two powers, his officials will undoubtedly fear punishments and seek honors. (Hanfeizi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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