Honor Teachers and Respect Rules
This term means to honor teachers and respect rules. The "rules" are the laws of the (physical) universe, as well as the truths and moral principles of the world. Honoring teachers is a traditional Chinese virtue, and respecting rules is an important feature of traditional Chinese culture. A teacher is a vehicle for and a propagator of the rules; hence honoring teachers and respecting rules are two aspects of the same thing. Since ancient times, this has been regarded as an important precondition for the country to prosper and flourish. It is also an important indicator of good government.
引例 Citations:
◎ 国将兴,必贵师而重傅……国将衰,必贱师而轻傅。(《荀子·大略》)
If a state is to flourish, its teachers must be honored… If a state is in decline, its teachers will be scorned. (Xunzi)
◎ 明王圣主,莫不尊师贵道。(《后汉书·孔僖传》)
All enlightened rulers honor teachers and respect rules. (History of the Later Han Dynasty)
推荐:教育部 国家语委
供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社