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中华文化 | 诚意 Be Sincere in Thought

发布日期:2023-10-17  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1169
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核心提示:诚意Be Sincere in Thought在日常生活中追寻道德原则的意愿真实无妄。“诚意”出自《大学》,与“格物”“致知”“正心”“修身”“齐家”“治国”“平天下”并称“八条目”,是儒家所倡导的道德修养的一个重要环节。“诚意”以“致知”为前提。内心的真实意愿会自然地表现于言行之中,个人的道德行为应出于真实的意愿,而不应在没有真实意愿的情况下仅仅使外在

Be Sincere in Thought


The pursuit of moral principles in daily life should be true and sincere. "Being sincere in thought" is one of the "eight essential principles" from the philosophical text "The Great Learning," the other seven being "studying things," "acquiring knowledge," "rectifying one's mind," "cultivating oneself," "regulating one's family well," "governing the state properly," and "bringing peace to all under heaven." These principles constitute an important stage in the moral cultivation advocated by Confucian scholars. "Sincerity in thought" has as its preceding stage the "extension of knowledge." One can only identify and follow the principle of "sincerity in thought" on the basis of understanding the moral principles in daily life. One's true desire will then naturally reflect itself in one's daily behavior. An individual's moral conduct must stem from a genuine wish and must not just conform superficially to the moral principles without true intention of practicing them.

引例 Citations:



Being sincere in one's thought is to tolerate no self-deception, as one hates undesirable smells or likes lovely colors. That is what is called satisfied with oneself. (The Book of Rites)



Being sincere in thought is of primary importance in self-cultivation. (Zhu Xi: Annotations on The Great Learning)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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