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中华文化 | 方圆 Squareness and Roundness

发布日期:2022-10-15  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1957
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核心提示:方圆Squareness and Roundness方形和圆形。“方圆”连用,指事物的形状或性状,亦指使事物“方”或“圆”的方法、规则。古人认为天圆地方,天有旋转、圆通、圆融等特性,地有安静、刚直、方正等特性,主张做人行事应当效法天地的特性,外圆内方,既不放弃内心的坚守,又有适度的融通。在文艺创作特别是书法创作中,古人认为楷书要方,草书要圆,但无论哪种书体都


Squareness and Roundness


"Squareness," used in collocation with "roundness," refers to the shapes and properties of things, or sometimes to the methods and rules of making things square or round. Ancient Chinese believed that heaven is round and earth is square. Heaven revolves, accommodates, and harmonizes. Earth, in contrast, is still, firm, and straightforward. They argued that humans should conduct themselves in imitation of the ways heaven and earth operate, and be "round" on the outside and "square" within, meaning that people should be suitably flexible but firm on issues of principle. In artistic and literary creation, especially in calligraphic creations, ancient Chinese held that regular script should be "square" whereas cursive script should be "round." However, no matter which type of script is adopted, squareness and roundness should be applied in harmony with each other.

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Even with Li Lou's keen vision and Gongshu Ban's skillfulness, they cannot draw either a square or a round shape without using a compass or a ruler. Even with Shi Kuang's sharp ear for music, he cannot adjust the five notes without using the six pitch-pipes. Even with Yao and Shun's enlightened methods, they cannot run a country well without practicing benevolent governance. (Mencius)



Squareness and roundness are the core essence and useful complement of regular script and cursive script. The merit of regular script is squareness whereas the merit of cursive script is roundness. Only when squareness is complemented by roundness and roundness is complemented by squareness can true calligraphic excellence be achieved. (Jiang Kui: Subsequent Commentaries on Calligraphy)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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